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7 Successful Holiday Marketing Tactics to Drive Sales This Year [Infographics]

The holiday season is right around the corner. It is the most awaited time of the year when ecommerce brands and small businesses earn more revenue. It is the time of the year that accounts for 30% of retailers’ annual sales. And this year, holiday sales are predicted to reach a whopping $923 billion.

This will definitely make you dream of generating more sales, it’s essential to understand that making high profits needs effective marketing strategies.

As an ecommerce business, you have likely been thinking about the holiday shopping season since early summer. Successful brands will have their campaigns ready for the holiday season, because more than one third of shoppers start making purchases as early as October and continue shopping till January.

Implementing some great marketing tactics can make your holiday campaigns successful and generate tremendous impact on your business profits.

If you are looking for some ways to make your holiday marketing campaigns more successful, have a look at this infographic that explains effective social media marketing tactics for your holiday campaigns that will definitely drive more sales this year.


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Muneeb Qadar Siddiqui, surely a blogger/Digital marketer from Mars making some waving on this earth. Writing for 8 straight years, Muneeb is equipped with digital knowledge like no one else. Mostly he writes about mobile app development Dubai, custom mobile app development, corporate branding, e-commerce tips and tricks, Entrepreneurship, and web design company Dubai . He loves drinking Tea and has a passion for innovating, educating and motivating people to live life to its fullest. Connect with him on: Twitter | LinkedIn

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