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What Communication Strategies are Teachers Adopting Amid the COVID 19

There grows an uncertainty as to when the schools will reopen and how children are going to cope up with their education once the COVID 19 period resides. Nowadays, we are commonly observing the shift of education towards online medium where teachers are leveraging various online tools to educate the masses. And the significant gap that persists has simply created quite the havoc among parents.

They are worried and filled with anxiety about what the future holds for their children and where they are going to complete their education if this carries on for the rest of the days till a viable vaccine emerges in the market. At times as such, it is important that school leaders should gain the confidence of these worried parents. And it can only be sought out by establishing the right communication.

Here are some communication strategies that can help teachers to gain confidence.

Staying a Step Ahead Before the Questions Are Asked

Amid the pandemic, many parents are worried about a good number of things, including their child’s healthcare and education. One of the most common concerns that many parents are currently engulfed with when the schools are going to reopen? We are living in an era of uncertainty where fake news circulates just about everywhere, including the modern-day tools like WhatsApp. Troubling rumors are just about everywhere and they have forced parents to post such questions on different social platforms such as,

  • Will the schools reopen after Eid?
  • Are the students going to be educated online for the whole year of 2020?
  • What happens when September is going to come around?
  • Would I be charged the same fees and why should I pay extra when my kid is at home?
  • How are the teachers managing all of this and how will my child be assessed?

Here are some of the questions that every parent is experiencing these days.

One of the major concerns is the reports that are being published online and on media, which is becoming quite the reason for creating stress and anxiety among parents. And before that triggers, it is best that future school leaders should effectively reach out to the parents in a way that wins their confidence. We live in a digital age where email marketing is the best way to communicate. It’s best that schools in the UAE should use email marketing to answer the common queries that worry parents.

Be honest, be clear and be concise in educating the masses on what harsh realities they are living in.

Use Technology to Emphasize on the Process of Education

Times are tough and almost every one of us is overburdened with a huge amount of workload just because of the salary cuts exercised all around the world. Even though we weren’t prepared for it, we are now juggling through various freelance projects and other responsibilities just because we have to make ends meet.

These are times when you can’t strive for perfection but rather than getting the tasks for which you’re appointed done. And that’s the same attitude that you should also expect from your children. When they solve problems or learn new concepts, they won’t actually be crystal clear.

Right now, the process through which a child gets educated is more important than the end product. Hence, teachers must leverage the power of technological tools to communicate with the children at this grave hour effectively.

Using messaging tools such as WhatsApp and Skype can help teachers stay connected with their students around the clock and provide them with assistance with education whenever and wherever they need them. They can also keep track of what they are doing and what goals or objectives they are unable to achieve during this time.

As far as taking the parents in confidence is concerned, the teachers can actively participate by publishing a learning tip, class feedback, or conduct inquiries through social media.

Flexibility is Okay Nowadays  & Parents Should Understand

Flexibility is very important in any kind of process. Right now, the pandemic is wreaking havoc in the lives of many as most of us are locked inside our homes and are unable to go about our daily lives, which is making us all feel brimming up with negative energy. As a result, this negative is impacting our lives drastically because we are experiencing some days as good and other days bad.

In these harsh times, teachers and parents need to understand that the problem is arising on both ends. They both should nurture an environment of flexibility. Overburdened with too many tasks can overwhelm each and every one of us to the core. If work is set to complete on a particular day and is unable to be completed on that significant day, then there’s no harm in that. It is best that you be flexible and overcome that task on a later date.

For example, if a teacher is unable to deliver the best lecture on a Tuesday, he or she can call off the class a little early and prepare themselves for the next session. The same goes for the parents that the way they are unable to perform at their jobs because of coronavirus, teachers may also experience a setback in managing stuff online.

While tools like Zoom are a great way to nurture interactivity, but they surely can’t create the perfect classroom essence. Several things can’t be educated online and may require physical presence.

Work on Nurturing an Online Educational Community

Communities help especially the ones that are formed on Facebook.

In a world where every other person is interacting with each other on social media, a community can provide great favor in helping teachers and parents alike. It can help brew up the perfect environment for educational institutions to help parents cope up with the shortfalls they are experiencing in educating their children at home and through online mediums.

At the same time, it will also allow parents to raise concerns where teachers are given the opportunity to present a solution so they can work upon it together. A healthy community on social media can readily propel the worries of parents.

They will stay in touch with what’s happening and how the child is progressing.

To Sum it Up

Times are tough and so are the standards in which we are living nowadays. But that certainly does not mean that the bad days won’t fade away. Every cloud has a silver lining and it’s just a matter of time until our very own emerges. Soon, the pandemic will subside and lives will go back to normal. We have to tell ourselves that this is not going to be here forever. The COVID 19 period will pass just like the Spanish Influenza or the Cholera outbreak and all we have to do is wait it out till it subsides.

Ashad Ubaid
Ashad Ubaid
Ashad Ubaid Ur Rehman is a Digital Content Producer at Branex. He has worked on several platforms. He has ample amount of experience in writing content on SaaS products, social media marketing, content marketing, technology & gadgets, online/offline gaming, affiliate marketing reviews, search engine optimization, productivity & leadership. He is a skilled and talented individual with all the perks of being a hallmark writer.

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