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Top 7 Reasons why a Cafe in Dubai Needs a Website


You have a fantastic cafe that serves delicious burgers, shawarma, and a mouth-watering roast beef sandwich that everyone loves. The facade of the cafe and delectable wafts of highly seductive food invites you with arms wide open. Anyone who passes by notices the sign and gives you a try. Your cafe is always full and word-of-mouth in your area is excellent. You are listed on food delivery service providers, and they are having a difficult time managing the deluge of your orders.

So, why do you need a website for your Dubai’s cafe?

Do you know that 62% of the users search restaurants online before they plan to eat out at a diner? This means that if you are an owner of Cafe in Dubai, you need a website too. You need to project the right image to the people who walk into your restaurant. Similarly, a properly designed and developed website will drive people to your door.

Did you know:? You can increase your Restaurant or Cafe Sale by 200% with an optimized Social Media Marketing

Mostly when travellers arrive in Dubai, they look up locations to dine-in, the directions, hours of fiddling around with smartphones. Half of them even place an order directly from the website – the other half, who are like me, want to feel the aroma of the place right on the site. So, yes, this is the time to act.

Here are seven reasons to convince you that your cafe in Dubai needs a website.

  1. It’ll bring customers
  2. People can browse the menu and place orders online.
  3. It’ll develop a local identity.
  4. You’ll stand out from the rest.
  5. Increase your Brand presence.
  6. Social Proofing your business
  7. No extra skills are needed.

Let’s discuss each point one by one in detail.

  1. It’ll bring customers

What is the first thing that you arrive at a local cafe that looks promising? You ask Google for a menu and check the price list. But what if there is no website for the cafe in Dubai. You will drive past the cafe and move to a one that gives you a menu first.

A website will increase the visibility of your cafe, and first-time customers will likely become your raving fans, and some might even spread a good word out for you online. You can use the website to keep the loyal customers informed about the events and discounts that you offer from time to time.

  1. People can browse the menu and place order online

A professional website will give you the right information straightaway – menu, location, operating hours, and even an option to reserve a table online. And if you add a payment method, you can expand your scope of customers and they would love to order food online.

People already look for reviews online, and when they get a good vibe from a café, they prefer to order online. Mostly, customers will leave a review online sharing their experience. This allows you to turn that experience into something worth talking about.

  1. I’ll develop a local identity

A  clean website will depict the brand identity of your cafe. You have a chance to show visitors what your values are and which delicious dishes are you serving at your cafe. When a visitor starts browsing your menu, the lip-smacking food will attract them to your café.

Showcase your ambiance with photos and a family section. All your customers can have an idea of what to expect when they enter into your café.

  1. You’ll Stand out from the rest

There is a deadly competition out there. A rat race where everyone is trying to come first no matter what the cost. Do you offer anything special that can differentiate your cafe in Dubai from others? Your website is a chance to showcase your unique self to the world.

The delivery, catering, midnight hours, what are you offering that a fellow competitor is not delivering? If you don’t put a website to stand out, your cafe will be just like any other cafe in town and you don’t want to do that.

  1. Increase your brand presence

You might not be an intentional cafe, which means that you don’t have the luxury to develop expensive branding campaigns. It is entirely up to you to attract new diners in your cafe in Dubai. Not having a website is like a front door without any opening hours. No sign of entry and nothing to appeal at the door. The world is moving fast, and to keep up with the world, you must take help from the website.

You must identify yourself as a professional brand that is willing to serve diners even on the website. This will make you stand out from the rest.

  1. Social Proofing your Cafe in Dubai Business

97% of consumers read online reviews before they buy anything online. If you want diners to visit you, you must give them social proof. A review, feedback, or a testimonial from a person who dined-in your cafe.

When people read reviews, it gives them a sense of trust over the brand. This is a golden opportunity for cafe owners in Dubai to make the best use of those reviews.

Show the reviews right in the front where a visitor can see it at first glance.

  1. No Extra Skills are Needed

You don’t necessarily need technical skills to run a website. You need to outsource the website design and development part to a professional digital agency. Once they are done with the site, it will be easy for you to run the website.

No need for a computer science degree to run the website. You need a customer service person who can take orders and another guy who can check for the usability of the website.

If you are searching for a digital web design agency that is developing a mind-blowing website, you are in the right place. We can design and develop an SEO friendly website that will not only feature in the top pages of Google, and it will drive insane traffic on your website which will result in more diners at your café.

Muneeb Qadar Siddiqui, surely a blogger/Digital marketer from Mars making some waving on this earth. Writing for 8 straight years, Muneeb is equipped with digital knowledge like no one else. Mostly he writes about mobile app development Dubai, custom mobile app development, corporate branding, e-commerce tips and tricks, Entrepreneurship, and web design company Dubai . He loves drinking Tea and has a passion for innovating, educating and motivating people to live life to its fullest. Connect with him on: Twitter | LinkedIn

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