A platform where government employees can avail exciting discounts and offers!

The client wanted a website and mobile app to help employees discover the best deals.


Government employees in the UAE benefit from a number of privileges, discounts and offers within the country. The Federal Authority for Identity & Citizenship wanted an interactive and aesthetic website and a mobile app that helps government employees explore a full list of offers and discounts available in their vicinity across several sectors, such as healthcare, education, hospitality, entertainment, real estate and restaurants, and redeem loyalty points.

The client is focused on the information architecture and overall visual appeal of the website and mobile app. The website and mobile app would be developed from scratch with brand guidelines to provide users with an optimum and seamless user experience on the platform. The client needed a website and mobile application to bring the best experience for their customers and a strong backend system to support the huge information architecture.


We at Branex are specialized in creating an experience that lives with your customers



  • Developing the website and mobile app from scratch with an e-card and a back-end system.
  • Incorporation of two logins, one for users and the other admin.
  • The client needed a website and mobile app with strong information architecture to support the flow of information and ensure smooth functionality.
  • Integration of live chat and a map that shows offers within a certain location, as well as offers near you.
  • Both the website and mobile must be equipped with the latest technology stack with well-built backend to ensure an optimum and seamless user experience.


  • Branex delivered a website and mobile app with a highly functioning interface and a strong backend system to support the information flow.
  • We instilled two login systems; one for the companies and one for the users/employees.
  • The website also includes a dedicated portal for the companies that would like to register with the client (become a member). They can click on the link to download the form and fill it out to register.
  • A strong analytics system has been integrated into the mobile app and website to gauge the performance and take the necessary actions.
  • With the help of live chat, user can directly send their queries to the representatives and get a response within seconds.
  • Map integration for the locations of the places that have offers and the closest ones.
  • We consolidated the website with a mechanism that would allow the admin to control the set number of ads for each company throughout the month.

Technologies Used

Mobile App Features:

  • Two language options; Arabic and English.
  • Signup/login as a company or employee by providing your information.
  • Map showing the locations of the places that have offers as well as the offers near you.
  • There will be a search option, where employees can filter discounts by locations, categories, and the percentage of discount.
  • Live chat options.
  • You can explore different offers from companies.
  • You can view the e-card on the mobile app.
  • Signup/login as a partner company.


  • A company can download an interactive form and fill up their details as well a descrioton of their offer. After filling the form manually about discount offers, the company will upload the form (in .pdf format) as a request.
  • The request will be received from Admin with the status either ‘Approved’ or ‘Disapproved’.
  • You can access the photos through the media center.
  • The map is also available for showing the locations of the places that have offers and the closest ones.
  • There is a search option, where employees can filter offers by locations and the percentage of discount.
  • You can view the e-card (loyalty program card) as a pdf in a specified card format and can also print it.

Here comes the results…

This project was an interesting challenge, requiring the well-thought balance of clear and accessible functionality and stylish visual concepts. Our app and web developers constantly kept in touch with the client throughout the project to get their valuable suggestions and implement change requests managing smooth workflow. They developed the entire app and website ensuring implementation of strategy as planned within a given time-frame. The final product delivered performance beyond expectation and added value to the client’s business.



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