iColors Automotive – Powerful brand awareness to create the perfect brand perception!

iColors Automobile engaged Branex seeking a digital partner that could help the company market itself online using website and social media as main platforms and getting the attention of people with outclass branding that outshines others.

The Challenge

iColors Automotive is the leading paint supply & precise color matching company, headquartered in San Fernando Valley. The company stands att par with industry giants in terms of quality & finesse in their work. The business had been operating since 2013 as brick and mortar until recently when they decided to give their brand a complete overhaul in terms of brand identity and perception & hopped on the digital bandwagon.

iColors Automobile engaged Branex seeking a digital partner that could help the company market itself online using website and social media as main platforms and getting the attention of people with outclass branding that outshines others.


To enhance the brand value and create deep
understanding among target customers.


The Challenge

iColors Automotive was rather serving a niche group of customers who are willing to amp up the look of their cars. Though the company has a clientele of some of the biggest names of the world who are ready to sing the company’s praises, iColors Automobile wasn’t fully utilizing the power of branding and digital as a vehicle for qualified lead generation & brand awareness. iColors Automotive sought Branex’s expertise in creating a logo worth-remembering, a website capable of generating leads and traffic & a social media presence that is hard to ignore. We turned their services into sellable hot cakes through results-driven digital strategies & branding ideas that goes a long way.

Our Approach

iColors Automobile envisioned to brand vehicles to the best standards using high-quality colors, supplies, refinishing tools, & spraying booth facility. They needed strong branding that can help customers differentiate between iColors Automobile and the competitors. The perfect brand awareness strategy started from redefining their identity and giving the brand a complete new look suiting the digital world. From initial logo, to the website, to the social media management, we connected all the dots effortlessly to take the brand to unprecedented heights.

Logo that differentiates!

To start off their digital journey, team Branex needed to clearly understand what matters most to the company and the market it serves. Our designers began the ideation process by working closely with the client. We created multiple logos out of which one was chosen after multiple tweaks. The design was kept simple, chic, colorful yet visually striking to resonate in people’s minds. The logo gave a modern feel all while sticking to conventional values of trust, reliability & quality.


Responsive Website

We then moved onto the development of a robust, intuitive & responsive website using WordPress as the admin panel. MySQL was the database administrator. iColors Automobile’s wanted to leverage the digital platform in a way that it adds to the popularity of the business, increases sales & be a step ahead of competitors. The design was clutter-free, clean & capable enough of living up to contemporary industry standards. Special emphasis was placed on making the website design responsive to be easily accessed from a number of different devices.

Social Media Management

After successfully completing the website & logo design, we were tasked with dealing with the company’s social media marketing. They didn’t have any social presence and we had to build one from scratch. We proposed a comprehensive social plan comprising of content calendar for all social platforms i.e. Facebook, Instagram & LinkedIn. We proposed 12 social posts in a month. This plan was created keeping the business objectives in mind, competitor research, market research & the social goals that we had set closely with the client Social media awareness ads were designed to reach out to the right people at the right time. Deploying geo-targeting, people were targeted using an 80-mile radius. The results were soaring.



higher return on investment
with Facebook and instagram than
next-best digital platform


higher return on investment
with Facebook and instagram than
next-best digital platform


higher return on investment
with Facebook and instagram than
next-best digital platform


higher return on investment
with Facebook and instagram than
next-best digital platform




Branex Branex
Branex Branex Branex

With better brand perception, more social presence & enhanced storytelling giving iColors Automobile a stronger digital presence, iColors Automobile is digitally-proficient to rule the industry for years to come.