How Big Data on Social Media Controls our Moods and Behavioral Patterns

A piece written as an inspiration from the works of Andrea Morris Over the last two years, more than 90% of information generated on the Internet...
Contingency Contracting Summit

The Contingency Contracting Summit 2018, Dubai

Date 27-28 June 2018 Venue Marriot, Al-Jadaf, Dubai Fee: USD 975, as an Early Bird Discount till May 31 Website Why Participate? For all the...

6 Most Creative “404 error pages” of All Times & What You Can Learn from Them

According to a rough estimate, around 74% of people who encounter a 404-error page will leave your website without ever returning. This implies that you’re losing...

Get a Deeper Insight on the Shape Divider Feature in Elementor Page Builder Plugin for WordPress

Ever wondered what goes behind the scenes in concocting a webpage that you love in WordPress? Elementor is a page building platform that makes page building...

You are using ‘Like us on Facebook’ all wrong! Here’s the Remedy

Have you ever watched an advert that ended-up begging you to ‘Like them on Facebook’ or ‘follow them on Twitter’? Did you seriously go for it?...

Beginners Guide 101: All You Need to Know About the New Google Hangout Chat

During March, Google officially launched an upgraded version of its long-forgotten chat application, Google Hangout Chat. Earlier, Google invested in gifting the fan club a smart...
website design mistakes

7 Grave Website Design Mistakes that can save you a fortune

Running a small business is daring even at the best of times. The online economy is booming which makes it challenging for a business to thrive....

The Ultimate Power of Branding A Business Logo Design Using the Right Symbology

Rob Frankel once said, “The goal of doing business is not to convince customers to do business with you, it is to convince them to only...

Things You Never Knew about these 7 famous Car Brands Logos

What is the inspiration behind the most famous car brand logos? For some people, logos are just graphical symbols, but for those who understand the power...

7 Meeting scheduling apps for modern-day Digital Marketing Agencies

In a survey conducted by HBR, out of 182 managers, 65% blame meetings for their ineffectiveness in meeting deadlines. While around 71% of managers are of...