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As the new trends come by and certain changes in the design and functionality become a necessity, we are once again given the responsibility of redesigning the website. Sometimes these redesigns are humongous and other times they are just minor changes in the overall design that requires the big ones in the functionality only.
Think of the websites you have been using for the past, say, five years. Notice how the functionality has changed, UX has improved and some even have an entirely different homepage.
So this means that every industry is constantly updating their websites. Hence, it is clear that regardless of the industry you are in, if you have a digital presence, a redesign is a must every now and then.
Having said that, there are so many resources out there explaining the elements that require redesigning. But very few of them are thorough with a research plan that takes place in the background of those impeccable designs that we see today.
Today’s post is all about that research plan on redesigning your website that includes helpful tips and tricks to get you started. Let’s see how you can go about it, right from the beginning:
Table of Contents
Why do you really want to go for a redesign? This is an important question and is like a root to all other questions below that you can answer for your way forward with redesigning endeavors.
Once you have answered all the questions mentioned above, this is the step where you carefully gather all your answers. Jotting them together in one place will help you to figure out exactly why redesigning is happening.
So this was put at the very end of the actual plan because it is dependent upon the findings mentioned above. If there isn’t enough information available then the overall design and development will take place individually and it will end up to be a loss of time, energy and money if it doesn’t give out fruitful results.
Designing and development is not really the tricky part. What gets most UX designs fail is their inability to understand the real redesigning need. The rest is all a piece of cake. Simply hire a web design agency to do the job and you’re good to go.
Redesign projects are happening in every industry. Every two years or so, a website is in need of a fresher look and feel to cater the customers in the best possible way as it complies with the latest advancements. The key is to thoroughly do your homework and learn from each project.
And lastly, don’t just assume things, measure them and there will be no surprises – only truthful and fruitful results.
Use the tips above to get started with your next redesign project with the right attitude and information. Good luck!
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