How to Use Design for Gaining Valuable Opportunities in Business
July 18, 2016
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Using Brain Science to Increase Lead Generations

Fact-based and data-driven design decisions are part of the Google mantra – one of the many things that keeps Google on top. It sure makes utter sense for the web design industry as it is important to look into the facts and latest data available so that the best solution can be provided via your web design. Although utilization of data for web design doesn’t sound easy at all but if Google does it, so can you.

While all that can help read the mind of the customers and further aid in the process of persuading them into buying, there’s more than just that to help you in such endeavors. Scientific research coming from brainiacs at various academic powerhouses, including Harvard and Princeton, concludes that brain science can be utilized in the same process of persuading the customers into buying your product. Let’s shed some more light on the matter by filling you in with the details on this amazing concept and its implications.

UX Implications for Reviews

Reviews become a solid source of word-of-mouth. A lot of purchase decisions we witness today are all results of reviews for they are the first-hand experience of a valid user for a particular product. Businesses nowadays are leveraging the power of reviews to a greater degree as we speak. They believe that it is a better way to design the review experience because testimonials and other customer reviews have a positivity about them that is utterly powerful and influential. Such are the little efforts that you can do to influence the visitors on your website.

So all you have to do is collect reviews from your customers or add in testimonials from your clients after dealing with a project and voila! You have just portrayed a positive image of your website via this simple change in overall web design development.

Pricing Transparency is Magical

Lifting the veil off pricing works like magic today! In various studies conducted in the matter of pricing transparency, the results showed that consumers are more attracted towards the brand and surfaced positive buying motivations when cost transparency was involved. Another way of incorporating the very on your website includes production process that provides transparency in terms of product being crafted.

An even more cool version of this aspect includes storytelling to convey the pricing. This is like killing two birds with one stone: You are emotionally connecting with the user by means of storytelling and are creating a price transparency that attracts the users as you build trust along the way. If they believe you then perhaps this is a big win for you. So increase your disclosure today in order to design and fix your content fluently to secure productivity.

Wrapping up…

As you use scientific data and utilize brain research studies to support the proper implementation of your web design decisions, you are definitely scoring a high yield. These findings are utterly productive when applied and have a persuading power about them that becomes almost too irresistible.

Mariya Sabeen Irshad is a Creative Writer and Blogger. She is a staunch believer of ‘logic’ who loves her family, likes to write about anything and everything, and console games are her idea of an engagingly fun activity at any time of the day, with football leading the way. Follow her @MariyaSIrshad

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